Yo guys here project Everysax and what we wanted to say to you is to focus on the progress and not to focus on perfection. Because progress is what makes our business grow and expand. Sometimes too much perfectionism is harmful for our expanding production processes. That’s why in Everysax we say to you to focus on the progress and don’t worry so much about the perfection or the perfectionism.
Why do we say this to you today? Because we received an email from eToro where they say to us something about the new year 2025 and the title says like “in this new year 2025 let’s focus on the progress and not the perfection”. So in Everysax Business Coaching we decided to write this article for you sharing with you a great wisdom that has been shared with us by the eToro trading company.
Йо ребятки. Это проект Эврисакс Бизнес Коучинг и мы хотели сегодня сказать вам чтобы вы заострили своё внимание и употребили свои силы именно на прогресс а не на безупречность и перфекционизм.
Yo emprendedores aquí proyecto Everysax Business Coaching y lo que os queremos decir hoy es que os enfoqueis más en el progreso de vuestro negocio y no tanto en el perfeccionismo.
Thank you.
Спасибо (Spasibo).
Everysax Business Coaching 2025.
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