C’mon man. The future is an illusion. You’re living right now and that’s how it’s going to be forever. So start thinking in terms of NOW and stop thinking in terms of future.
This is the only way you’re going to achieve what you want. This is the only way you’re going to get the lifestyle you really want.
Having a business and being an entrepreneur is about lifestyle. And your lifestyle is happening right now.
Improving your products and services is a question of NOW. Lifestyle is about doing something right now.
In the exact moment you’re reading or listening to this words you’re already doing something. OK, so do something right now for improving your business.
Do something for improving your products and services right now. Because doing non-productive activities on daily basis gets you nowhere. Plus, it gets boring over time…
I have something for you that isn’t boring: improving your lifestyle. Making a new lifestyle and enjoying it.
And the only lifestyle that isn’t boring is the entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is the best activity you can do. It grows and gets more MOMENTUM the more you do it.